Tuesday, July 3, 2012

20 weeks pregnant with twin boys

20 weeks

Today is 20 weeks which means we are a little over halfway there!  We had our appointment with OB last week and the perinatologist today.  The peri and Gavin get to talking about sound waves, x-rays, etc and he forgets to take pictures!  He gives us a video though and I love that he and Gavin have so much to talk about!  Today Baby A weighs about 15 ounces and is measuring 5 days ahead, Baby B weighs 13 ounces and measures 3 days ahead.  He said they are most definitely still boys and everything looks perfectly healthy.  

Dr. G got a cute picture of one of a foot last week....
The babies are super active....especially at night which is fine because I barely get any sleep anyway!  I'm still sleeping sitting up due to the pain where my gallbladder used to be that seems to be from scar tissue that is stretching.  It's quite miserable but I'm so grateful for everyday that these babies are growing.  We are over halfway there! 


 I just realized we are halfway there for paying for these little punkins as well!  Just made our 6th payment of $1100 and 6 more to go...of course that's just for the IVF...not for the OB, peri, hospital, etc.  I saw the bill to insurance for the peri today and truly almost signed up to go back to school!  The charge for our 1st appointment with him which lasted maybe 20 minutes total was $1,300.00!!!!  Incredibly grateful we got a BOGO!! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, twins! To have twins is my dream. Unfortunately, we don’t have that kind of genes in my family, and so is my husband’s. How are your boys now? I hope they are both healthy. By the way, that shirt is really cute!

    Chelsea Leis
