Monday, February 6, 2012

Before my name was mom...

A concept I can't even begin to understand...
February 8th, 1993...the day my life felt like it had purpose.  I gave birth to the most perfect, beautiful, 7 pound 13 ounce boy...I fell in love so profoundly....the most amazing perfect day of my life...I had just turned 18.  
 My perfect Jacek.
I wanted so much for him to have a dad...someone to be as amazed as I was at this perfect creation. When Jacek was 6 we met & married Greg.  I was elated for Jacek to finally experience a "family".  I couldn't wait for him to have a brother or sister.
 Greg and I struggled with the nightmare of miscarriages, 2 of which ended in emergency surgeries and the removal of both fallopian tubes.  We eventually were able to see a Reproductive Endocrinologist and undergo in vitro fertilization (more on the emotional roller coaster of IVF another day).  That 1st IVF cycle almost 10 years ago created a miracle. Another perfect, beautiful 6 pound 15.8 ounce son! Jacek was 10 years old and he finally had the brother he had been praying for.
The miscarriages, surgeries and struggle with infertility had taken it's toll on the marriage. Greg and I have been divorced since Gavin was almost 3. 

I am in awe every day at how God blesses me, & when he gave me the most supportive, compassionate, thoughtful friend in Taylor, I was overwhelmed with happiness to become his wife.We made an appointment with the very same miracle worker/dr quickly after we married.  So here we are...the beginning my 2nd ivf with the man of my dreams.  Being a mom has always been the best part of my days...and now I have the part that was missing...a husband who adores me and will share every step of this journey right at my side.

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