a fertilized egg |
The average fertilization rate is 60 ish %...73% of ours fertilized...yay!!!
So the embryologist called this morning and said 11 out of the 15 fertilized. They want to minimize disturbing the embryos as much as possible so they don't assess them on day two. She said that we are to be on stand-by for a possible 3 day transfer on Friday. Since they don't assess tomorrow, we won't know if it's a 3 day transfer until Friday at about 9 or 10 am. If so we would transfer at noon.
On Friday, if we have less than 4 excellent quality embryos, we will be transferring on Friday.
If there are 4 or more excellent quality embryos, we will transfer on Sunday.
A five day transfer is highly favored....by day 5 there are far fewer to choose from, but those that made it are the most likely to produce a child....this enables fewer to be transferred which helps minimize multiples. Also, implantation takes place day 6 or 7 so a 5 day old blastocyst is entering right in time for the next stage whereas a 3 day embryo has to "hang out" for a bit when in normal conception it would still be in the fallopian tube. Just lots of variables....Gavin was a 5 day transfer so I'm a bit biased.
Either way I'm a little anxious....a 3 day transfer makes me nervous....waiting till day 5 makes me nervous because what if none make it! I know it's in God's hands but I can't help but feel worried a bit.
So for now, I turn it over to our Maker, and pray that our little embryos thrive and grow in the most expensive child care they will ever have!!! And hopefully they will be super smart since we are spending their college tuition making them! Ha!!
Thank you all so much for all of your prayers....I seriously can't thank you enough.