32 weeks
I think my belly grows by the day! The babies are both about 4 pounds. Baby A was 3 pounds 14 ounces and Baby B was 4 pounds 1 ounce. Cervix is still long and closed. I was thinking that at this point it should think about making some sort of changes! These babies may stay in until 38 weeks, but I just don't know how I could teach that long. I'm still teaching full time...maybe a couple more weeks and I'll start half days. Just trying to hang on as long as I can. I could probably get more teaching accomplished if I didn't have to make 90 bathroom trips a day...one of the things I have in common with 6 year olds is that they have tiny bladders so they go quite a bit as well!
Gavin's cast definitely comes off on October 4th...Yay!! That's my next Dr. Gore appointment as well so I'll have updated weights.
I was reading something that had things you can do to prepare for an easier labor....one was to do squats...that's the funniest thing I've heard in awhile! The only squat this gal is doing anytime soon is to lower myself to the potty 90 times a day and hope and pray I have the strength to get myself back off of the potty!!
Have a great rest of the week!