Wednesday, September 26, 2012

32 weeks pregnant twins

32 weeks
 I think my  belly grows by the day!  The babies are both about 4 pounds.  Baby A was 3 pounds 14 ounces and Baby B was 4 pounds 1 ounce.  Cervix is still long and closed.  I was thinking that at this point it should think about making some sort of changes!  These babies may stay in until 38 weeks, but I just don't know how I could teach that long.  I'm still teaching full time...maybe a couple more weeks and I'll start half days.  Just trying to hang on as long as I can.  I could probably get more teaching accomplished if I didn't have to make 90 bathroom trips a of the things I have in common with 6 year olds is that they have tiny bladders so they go quite a bit as well!  
Gavin's cast definitely comes off on October 4th...Yay!!  That's my next Dr. Gore appointment as well so I'll have updated weights.  
I was reading something that had things you can do to prepare for an easier was to do squats...that's the funniest thing I've heard in awhile! The only squat this gal is doing anytime soon is to lower myself to the potty 90 times a day and hope and pray I have the strength to get myself back off of the potty!! 
Have a great rest of the week!  

Monday, September 17, 2012

30 weeks pregnant twins and Names

I'm actually 31 weeks but I'm always behind with my pictures.  We don't see Dr. Gore again until this Friday, so I will have updated weights then.  I am blessed to be able to still be working.  I have contractions constantly, but they aren't regular and aren't changing the cervix so they are definitely braxton hicks.  They still hurt though and it wears me out just dealing with contractions all day and night.  

I'm hardly ever hungry and it's a struggle sometimes to force myself to eat something.  We have been blessed by girls from our bible study group who are bringing food each week.  God certainly knows our needs and provides.  

I'm huge...I've gained over 50 pounds...I hurt back, hips, thighs, ankles, feet, joints....everywhere!!  It's very difficult to get comfortable especially at night.  

The nursery is finished (I'll post pics soon) they have some diapers, clothes, car seats and a place to sleep....We still have things to get for them but they have the essentials.  We have a registry at target and at

Now for their names...

We let Gavin choose their middle names....he wanted one to be Jace which I thought was really sweet...he loves his big brother Jacek.  I suggested that if we are naming one after Jacek that we use Gavin's middle name for the other.  Gavin thought about it for a couple of days and agreed.  So we will name them:

 Beckem Jace
Adler Trask 

I can hardly believe we are getting so close to meeting them!  I'll update this weekend after Dr. Gore appointment.  Have a great week! 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

28 weeks pregnant with twin boys

28 weeks

I was 28 weeks last Tuesday.  The babies were weighing about 2 pounds 6 ounces and 2 pounds 4 ounces.  They are constantly on the move and it seems they are karate chopping each other most of the time.  I am officially back at work and have the sweetest group of first graders.  I'm not gonna's HARD and I am just going to take things one week at a time.  Right now I'm resting up over this holiday weekend and I'm ready for another week.  There's no way I could do it if it weren't for fantastic people I work with and Gavin is a HUGE help as well.  

Dr. Gore predicts I'll make it 38 weeks....he says everything is going so perfectly and he doesn't see any reason I won't. I sure hope so...I'm praying the babies will be born healthy and able to come home when I do.  

I still have so many contractions but nothing regular and they aren't changing the cervix so no worries.  I drink water like crazy which is supposed to help but all it seems to do is give me a permanent hangout spot in the bathroom.  

Taylor put together cribs and we got so many clothes, diapers, high chair, etc at our sweet baby shower last Saturday.  Today we went to buy car seats and a pack n play.  They have so much stuff and I can't believe there's still so much more they need!  

Hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend....I'm planning to RELAX!